Sunday, November 1, 2009

Supper Sum-Up

I was unusually busy this week finishing up this video for The New York Times that is running on the homepage today (check it out!). So, I didn't really do a lot of cooking. In fact, I can barely remember what I ate. Luckily, I have an awesome husband, who despite having to finish the article that the video accompanied and another piece about the world's largest rubber band ball being moved out of Lauderhill, FL, kept me fed and hydrated.

So, I thought I'd do just a quick run down of what we did for dinner this week in hopes that maybe it will inspire some ideas and distract people from the fact I have been such a blog slacker.

Saturday: One of my mom's frozen Chicken Parmesan meals with a side of penne.
Friday: Filet Mignon with wasabi mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus. (I put a rub on the filet mignon of olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and cumin and cooked in a cast iron skillet to medium rare -- with no fire alarms set off this time)
Thursday: Shrimp Scampi (that I made, thank you very much)
Wednesday: Damien made this excellent Cashew-encrusted chicken dish from the Miami Spice cookbook we recently picked up at the Bookstore in the Grove. I'll post the recipe soon.
Tuesday: Cafe Prima Pasta for the early bird 50% off special. I had the mushroom ravioli special and Damien had the Seafood pasta.
Monday: Rotisserie chicken dinner from Publix with macaroni and cheese and steamed broccoli on the side.
Sunday: Our usual Sunday night pizza order from Pizzafiore.

This week I should be back to cooking so I'm hoping to come up with some new recipes. Any suggestions?

Oh and Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Baz is so cute in his costume. I can't wait to squeeze his cheeks again. Hope all is well!:) Love and kisses to you all!
    Tia Coca
