Sunday, August 9, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

It's Sunday which means that Damien and I have ordered our usual Sunday night pizza from Pizzafiore.

We also have a new Sunday tradition: We go to the movies! See, before Baz was born, we used to go to the movies all of the time. I mean, we'd see at least one movie a week. We vowed that when Baz was born, we wouldn't give it up. Somehow we'd need to get Baz used to the movie theater because we were taking him with us.

We did try. During those first couple of months we took him to see a couple of films. We figured that going to the first showing on a Monday morning would be safe. The theater would be e
mpty. That and pick a not so popular movie - I am ashamed to admit that his first film was He's Just Not That Into You. And he did pretty well. I only had to leave the theater once when he started crying and when I got him securely fastened to my boob out in the hallway, I was able to get back into the theater and finish the movie. (It's not like the plot was so hard to follow.)

But, then Damien had to go back to work so the Monday morning matinee was out. And we could never muster the courage to try at another, potentially busier time of day. It seemed like our movie-going life was gone forever - or at least until we could hire a dependable babysitter.

After a few months, we decided to give something else a try - One of us would go see the movie while the other watched the boy and then we'd switch places. That way we could both see the movie and then talk about it after we both had a chance to see it. Well, two weeks later, it totally works!

Last week we saw The Hurt Locker (which was actually really good) and this week we saw a much lighter movie - (500) Days of Summer. Maybe it's just because I love going to the movie so much and I am so happy to be back at them, but I really enjoyed it.

That Joseph Gordon-Levitt is way more charming and adorable than I ever thought he could be when he was on that stupid 3rd Rock show. And it was so refreshing to see a romantic comedy that was in any way surprising. So, I highly recommend it. Not just the movie. Splitting up the childcare duties and discussing over dinner once baby is asleep has turned out to be a perfect way to get back in the movie saddle.

Tomorrow: We're cooking something. Not sure what yet, but I am sure I'll come up with something.

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